Step: 1

Draw a large circle near the top right side of your paper, and then draw a smaller circle near the bottom left side of your paper.

Step: 2

Connect the 2 circles with 2 curvy lines.

What you just drew is the stomach itself, and also the main structure of the stomach ride.

Step: 3

Add a tube at the top of the stomach, and one at the bottom of the stomach. Erase where you see dotted lines.

The top tube that you are going to draw is where the stomach connects to the esophagus, and this is the part of the ride that you rode down on after being chewed at the mouth.

Step: 4

Draw a curvy rectangle in the middle of the stomach.

This rectangle will act as a viewport into the stomach action. The bottom tube is the tube that connects the stomach to the intestines, and this is where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.

Step: 5

Draw waves across the middle of the viewport. Then behind the waves draw squiggly lines that look like wood grain.

The wavy line you are going to draw is the stomach acid, and this is the acid that you were mixed with during the stomach ride. The lines that look like wood grain is the stomach lining. The stomach lining makes mucus to protect the stomach walls from the acid.