Step: 1

Draw a bumpy half circle.

Fact: Your brain is divided into two halves called hemispheres, and each half has different responsibilities. On the brain coaster, the type of message it’s carrying determines which side of the brain you would go to.

Step: 2

At the bottom of the half circle draw an odd shape ball, and then add wrinkles.

Fact: This odd shape ball is called the cerebellum, and it helps you balance and organize all of your movements. If you started on this part of the brain coaster, the ride would take your message to the body and help keep the body balanced.

Step: 3

Draw a “C” shape so it looks like it fell down, and connect that “C” shape to the cerebellum (the odd shape ball) and the front of the half circle.

Fact: The “C” shape we just drew is called the Corpus Callosum, and it allows both sides of the brain to communicate. During the roller coaster ride you would use the Corpus Callosum to send your message from one side of the brain to the other.

Step: 4

Draw a line that touches the cerebellum (the odd shape ball). Then next to that line draw a backwards “C”, and a shorter line attached to the bottom of the backwards “C”.

Fact: What you just drew is called the brainstem. The brainstem is what connects the brain to the rest of the nervous system that goes throughout our body, and on the rollercoaster ride it is the part of the ride where you enter or exit the highway of nerves (nervous system).

Step: 5

Draw a long oval connected to the brainstem. Then right underneath the oval draw a small circle.

Fact: The long oval is called the thalamus, and its job is to control messages that come between the brainstem and the 2 hemispheres of the brain. The circle that you drew is called the hypothalamus and it controls our emotions and the urge to do things like eating and sleeping.

Step: 6

Now let us fill in all the empty space at the top of the brain by breaking it up into sections that look like curvy puzzle pieces.

Fact: What you just started drawing is called the cerebrum. The outside layer of the cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex, and that is where you see all the wrinkles that the brain has. The more wrinkles the brain has the more information that the brain can hold.

Step: 7

For the final step, add lines inside the puzzle pieces to make the sections look like wrinkles. If you want to add color to your drawing make it gray. Our brains are gray, and that is why you’ll hear people call the brain “gray matter”.

The brain is very complex, and what we learned while drawing the brain are just the very basic facts.